Transactions 14

Transactions of the Estonian Academic Agricultural Society

Proceedings of the Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
April 5–6, 2001

 Tartu 2001

Editorial Board: K. Annuk, A. Lember, H. Möller, J. Praks, O. Saveli, H. Tikk, R. Viiralt

Reviewers: Arold, I., Ilus, A., Jaagus, J., Kalmet, R., Kask, H., Kuldkepp, P., Lauk, E., Liiske, M., Lillak, R., Lõiveke, H., Lättemäe, P., Metspalu, L., Piirsalu, M., Priilinn, O., Pällin, R., Remmelg, H., Roostalu, H., Siiber, E., Sõmermaa, A.-L., Tamm, Ü., Tiirats, T., Valdmann, A., Vesik, E., Viiralt, R.


  1. A. Aland, V. Poikalainen, I. Veermäe, J. Praks. Microclimate at dairy cowshed in winter ... 5
  2. K. Annamaa, V. Kukk. Conservation of plant genetic resources in the Gene Bank of the Jõgeva Plant Breeding Institute ... 9
  3. A. Bender. Seed production of forage grasses and legumes in the European Union ... 13
  4. A. Bender. Crude protein yield of tetraploid red clover varieties ... 17
  5. T. Bulitko, O. Saveli, T. Kaart. Body conformation and milk productivity of Estonian Holstein Herdbook cows ... 21
  6. O. Ellermäe, R. Kõlli, M. Riisberg. Large scale digital soil map of Estonia and possibilities to its use ... 25
  7. V. Eremeev, J. Jõudu, P. Lääniste, A. Lõhmus, A. Makke. Starch content and quality of potato varieties rich in starch ... 27
  8. V. Geherman. Botanical composition and persistency of legumes on conventional and organic farms ... 31
  9. J. Hämmal, V. Tikk, H. Tikk, S. Kuusik. Healthy eggs and their production ... 35
  10. M. Häusler, J. Kanger, L. Kevvai, H. Kärblane. The influence of fertilising to the yield of potato on calcareous pebble sandy silt loam ... 41
  11. E. Ilumäe. The influence of plant growth regulators Cycocel and Terpal onto different cereal species ... 45
  12. E. Ilumäe. The influence of plant protection products on the wintering and yield of winter rye ... 49
  13. H. Jaakson, K. Ling. Effect of freezing on the serum cholesterol, triglycerides and free fatty acids concentrations in Estonian Holstein Breed cows ... 53
  14. H. Jänes, A. Pae. Russian plum culivars in Estonia ... 57
  15. M. Järvan. Effect of rare earths on vegetables ... 61
  16. M. Järvan. Growth and development of vegetable plants depending on various lime fertilizers ... 65
  17. M. Järvan, P. Rausberg, H. Niine, T. Paide. Effect of fertilizers produced on the basis of nitrogen rich fluid refuse of Silmet ... 69
  18. K. Kaarli. Area and control of Alternaria Brassicae (Beck.) Sacci and Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary ... 73
  19. J. Kadaja. Model of production process of potato POMOD ... 75
  20. K. Kalamees, O. Saveli, T. Kaart. Effect of feed ration alteration on milk productivity of the Estonian Native Breed cows ... 79
  21. H. Kaldmäe, R. Kirsel, O. Kärt, M. Vadi. Different methods for assessment the organic matter
    digestibility of silages ... 85
  22. K. Kask. The cultivars of tree fruit and small fruit crops of Estonian origin and making a register ... 89
  23. R. Kask. On the English equivalents of the Estonian terms for the textural classes of Estonian soils ... 93
  24. H. Kiiman, A. Leola. About milk somatic cell count decreasing possibilities in machine milking ... 97
  25. R. Koppel, A. Ingver, M. Tohver. The investigation of relationships between baking quality of wheat and electrophoretical bands in Estonia ... 101
  26. K. Kotkas, M. Särekanno. The productivity of potato meristemplants depending on pre-planting treatment ... 105
  27. S. Kreen, S. Vabrit. Influence of growth substrate on rooting of Clematis cuttings and micro-shoots ... 109
  28. A. Kureoja, T. Kaart. Dependence of relative breeding value for milk of the Estonian Red Breed cows on the percentage of Danish Red Breed genes and feeding-keeping conditions ... 113
  29. R. Kõlli, E. Leedu. Afforestation of Estonian arable land: arguments for and against ... 117
  30. H. Kärblane, L. Kevvai, J. Kanger. Evaluation of the content of Cd, Hg and Pb in Estonian automorphic arable soils ... 121
  31. H. Kärblane, L. Kevvai, J. Kanger. Uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from manure by plants ... 123
  32. M. Kärner, V. Geherman. The impact of mineral fertilisers on the phytomass of the ley ... 127
  33. I. Kübarsepp, M. Henno, O. Kärt, A. Karus. Minerals in milk ... 131